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Student Services

jade fiore

Jade Fiore
Director of Pupil Services

Susan Fallert
Pupil Services Secretary

Alissa Alattar
School Psychologist  

Jordyn Muma
School Psychologist  

Mackenzie Haines
School Psychologist  


Pupil Services Office
District Administration
2030 Swallow Hill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Student Services of the Chartiers Valley School District encompasses all of the following:

  • Special Education
  • Gifted Education
  • English Learners
  • School Counselors K-12
  • School Psychology
  • Student Health
  • Early Intervention  

For additional information on the evaluation procedures and provision of services provided eligible students, please contact the Office of Pupil Services at 412-429-2638, or a school counselor assigned to your student's building.

The 2025-2028 special education plan will be voted on at the January school board meeting. This plan will remain on the website for the public to view until January 2025. 

Special Education Plan

IDEA Procedural Safeguards Notice

IDEA Procedural Safeguards NoticeThe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Federal law concerning the education of students with disabilities, requires the Local Education Agency to provide parents of a child with a disability with this notice containing a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available under the IDEA and the US Department of Education regulations.