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Peachjar Flyer Distribution

Our district cooperates with approved community partners by posting digital flyers online and distributing them electronically through our service provider, Peachjar.  As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.

peachjar button

To view current flyers, click the Peachjar graphic above. 

FAQs1. What is Peachjar?
Peachjar is a digital flyer platform which allows school and community organizations to submit flyers for District approval to be distributed via email to parents of CVSD students.  

2. I am a parent of a CVSD student.  How do I sign up to receive e-flyers through Peachjar?
Peachjar collects current, valid parent email addresses from Infinite Campus.  So, if your email address is current and valid, you should receive e-flyers from Peachjar.  Be sure to check your spam folders, and make sure that your email address is correct in your Infinite Campus parent account.  Contact your school office to update inaccurate information listed in Infinite Campus.  

You can also click here to sign up to receive emails by searching and selecting Chartiers Valley School District, or click the logo graphic above to view current flyers. 

3. I represent a CVSD organization, club, group, or event, including PTGs and booster clubs.  How do I  submit a flyer for approval to be distributed? 
ONLY district-sanctioned organizations, PTGs and booster clubs will be approved.  Outside organizations, please see FAQ #5 below.  ONE representative from each District organization should email publicrelations@cvsd.net to request to become an Approved CVSD Flyer Submitter.  Include your name, organization, role, and email address from which you will be submitting flyers.  Once approved, click here to sing up and submit flyers. Follow the prompts to upload a PDF flyer, and select the schools and timeline desired for your flyer distribution.  PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL FLYERS FOR APPROVAL!

4. What is the cost for district-sanctioned organizations to distribute flyers?
There is no cost for approved CVSD organizations, including PTGs and booster groups.  

5. I represent an outside (non-district-sanctioned) organization, company, club, group or event.  How do I submit a flyer for approval for distribution to CV parents?  
Click here to gather more information and to sign up and submit a flyer.  Follow the prompts to upload a PDF flyer, and select the schools and timeline desired for your flyer distribution.  PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL FLYERS FOR APPROVAL!

6. What is the cost for outside (non-district-sanctioned) organizations to distribute flyers?
There is a minimal cost which we think you will find to be much cheaper than printing, copying and distributing the traditional way.  If your organization or event is not-for-profit and/or not charging entrance, you may qualify under the Free Flyer Posting Program.  Please contact Peachjar to apply before submitting your flyer. 

7. Once my flyer is approved, how many parents will it reach?  And, how often are flyers sent?
One e-mail per day is sent to our students' parents.  Depending on the school(s) you select, your flyer could reach up to 3,500 parents. Emails submitted later in the day/evening will be distributed in the next day's e-blast.