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Safety & Security


Officer Kyle Kelsch
Middle & High School

Officer Matt Abel
Intermediate School


Officer Dan Elway
Primary School

The Chartiers Valley School District believes that school safety begins with quality relationships between staff, students and their families creates a culture where safety is the responsibility of our entire school community, not simply faculty, staff and law enforcement.  

Our school resource officers incorporate programs which educate and mentor students in a caring and nurturing way, following the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) guidelines for school safety.  Police officers working in CVSD's schools work simultaneously as educators, informal counselors and law enforcement officials.  

Chartiers Valley's highly-qualified police officers have extensive backgrounds and specific training in school safety and youth population. 

These officers lead the safety committee which is comprised of local law enforcement and first responders, school administrators, teachers, school counselors,  social workers, school psychologists, and security personnel.  

This committee meets regularly to discuss multiple components of school safety including physical security (safe buildings, grounds, & equipment), community partnerships, adequately trained faculty, staff, and students, and a positive school climate where students feel healthy, safe, connected, included, and respected.

CVSD is one of the first districts in Pennsylvania to incorporate a threat assessment team.  This multidisciplinary team, primarily used at the high school and middle school levels, identify or receive reports of concerning behaviors one of several reporting mechanisms listed below. The team assess the concern, develops risk management options, and establishes protective intervention to promote student success within a safe school climate. 

How to Submit a Safety Concern

Faculty, staff, students, parents, and the community are encouraged to report concerns using any of of our reporting mechanisms.  If you see something, say something!

  • For emergencies which require immediate assistance, please dial 911 and speak to a dispatcher.
  • Students and families are encouraged to discuss concerns with a trusted adult.  The school police and resource officers are listed below, and CVSD teachers, counselors and principals are always available in person or via phone and email as well.  
  • Safe2Say: Pennsylvania's anonymous reporting system


Act 44On June 22, 2018, The Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949 was amended via Act 44 of 2018 (Act 44). This law specifically requires school entities to:

  1. Appoint School Safety and Security Coordinators;
  2. Establish mandatory school safety training for school entity employees, and
  3. Establish standards for school police, school resource officers, and school security guards. 

The School Safety and Security Coordinator for Chartiers Valley School District is

Mr. James Pegher.