Employee Clearance Instructions
Kelly Mannering
Human Resources Secretary and Student Registrar
ACT 153 Required ClearancesA total of three clearances are required to commence and maintain employment with Chartiers Valley School District (including substitutes and independent contractors):
- Pennsylvania State Criminal History Record (Act 34);
- Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Report of Child Abuse (Act 151)
- Federal Criminal History Record including fingerprinting (Act 114).
Clearances must be dated within 1 year of application date to be considered valid.
All employees are required to renew all three clearances every sixty (60) months (or five (5) years) from the earliest dated clearance. Failure to renew clearances will result in discipline up to and including termination of employment. Employees bear the burden of timely renewing their clearances and submitting them to the Human Resources Office.
Application Instructions
Act 34 - Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check
- Visit https://epatch.pa.gov/home
- Complete and submit all required information
- After payment, access the “Certification” link and print the clearance
- You must submit the actual clearance, receipts will not be accepted as proof.
Act 151 - Pennsylvania Child Abuse History
- Visit http://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS
- You will be promoted to “Create an Account”
- Complete and submit all required information
- Select “Public School Employee” as purpose for clearance
Act 114 - FBI Criminal Background Check
- Visit http://uenroll.identogo.com
- Enter the Pennsylvania PDE Service Code: 1KG6XN
- Select “Schedule or Manage Appointment”
- Complete all of the required fields and submit
- You will be prompted to schedule an appointment or opt to be a “walk-in” at a location nearest you
- Payment can be made online with a valid credit card. Once payment is complete, print your receipt to take to the fingerprint site.
- Once you have been fingerprinted, you must submit your registration ID number to the human resources office who will then access your “Rap Sheet” electronically.
If information obtained through these clearances reveal that you are disqualified from employment, your appointment/employment will be immediately revoked, and you will be removed from the position and your opportunity for employment will be terminated. All costs associated with clearance applications will be borne by the employee.
Mandatory Reporting of Arrest/Conviction
Should an employee be arrested or convicted of a “Reportable Offense,” Act 24 requires that the employee or contractor complete a PDE-6004 Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification form within 72 hours of said arrest or conviction. A list of Reportable Offenses can be found under 24 P.S. § 1-111(e) or can be obtained from the Human Resources Office. If an employee fails or refuses to submit this form, the district is required to submit the employee for a new background check. If information obtained through background checks reveal that the applicant is disqualified from employment or approval, the individual shall be immediately dismissed from employment or approval.
Mandated Reporter Training
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Mandated and Permissive Reporting in Pennsylvania Online Training
Visit the website below to register and login to view the videos.
Pennsylvania Welfare Resource Center