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Human Resources

Janelle Kopay
Director of Communications and Human Resources

Kelly Mannering
Human Resources Secretary and Student Registrar

Human Resources Office
District Administration
2030 Swallow Hill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

CVSD is a growing community, always seeking highly qualified individuals.  We are delighted that you are interested in exploring employment opportunities with us.  Please take a moment to view our employment policies
In compliance with Federal and State laws and regulations, the Chartiers Valley School District does not discriminate in any of its education programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, disability or national origin.

Employee Requirements

In order to be considered for employment with CVSD, all employees must have proof of clearances, Mandated Reporter Training,  Physical and TB test.

All school employees, interns, and students teachers must provide the criminal history information, child abuse clearance and Federal background check dated within 1 year of hire with the CVSD.  Once hired, employees must obtain updated clearances every 60 months (5 years).  Click here for instructions on obtaining clearances and Mandated Reporter Training.

Job Openings

Openings for teaching positions will be posted to PA Educator.  CVSD does not accept paper applications for teaching positions; resumés and other employment information acquired in any manner outside of PA Educator will not be processed or accepted.  Instructional Aide positions may also be posted to PA Educator. 

Applications for administration and other non-certified positions can be found by clicking here or following the link to Job Openings in the menu to the right.