Promotion & Retention
Chartiers Valley School District recognizes that the emotional, social, physical and educational development of students will vary and that students should be placed in the educational setting most appropriate to their needs. The district will establish and maintain high standards for each grade and monitor student achievement in a continuous and systematic manner.
Academic achievement, attitude, effort, work habits, behavior, attendance and other factors related to learning shall be evaluated regularly and communicated to students and parents/guardians.
Students are promoted to the next grade level when s/he has successfully completed the curriculum requirements and has achieved the academic standards established for the present level, based on the professional judgement of the teachers and the results of assessments.
In cases of retention, the classroom teacher's recommendation is required. The building principal will make the final determination of retention. Every effort will be made to remediate the student's difficulties before the student is retained. In all cases of retention, parents/guardians will be informed of the possibility of retention of a student well in advance.
(CVSD School Policy 215: Promotion and Retention