By the end of Kindergarten in English Language Arts, I can...
I can name lower case letters of the alphabet.
I can print letters of the alphabet.
I can identify letter sounds.
I can recognize and produce rhyming words.
I can blend sounds to read a word.
I can read grade-level high-frequency words without hesitation.
With prompting and support, I can identify the main idea.
With prompting and support, I can answer questions about key details.
With prompting and support, I can identify characters, settings, and events.
I can capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun.
I recognize and use end punctuation and use proper spacing between words.
I can spell words by using the sounds the letters make.
I can ask and answer questions. I can share stories, familiar experiences, and interests.
By the end of Kindergarten in Mathematics, I can...
I can count to 100 by ones.
I can count to 100 by fives (to 50 in 1st semester).
I can count to 100 by tens (to 50 in 1st semester).
I can write the numbers 0-20 (0-10 in the 1st semester).
I can recognize the numbers 0-20 (0-10 in the 1st semester).
I can count objects up to 20 and print the corresponding number (to 10 in 1st semester).
I can compare groups of objects. I can compare two written numerals.
I can show addition using objects within 10.
I can show subtraction using objects within 10.
I can show what number is needed.
I can quickly and accurately add numbers to 5.
I can quickly and accurately subtract numbers to 5 (without manipulatives).
I can name and describe 2-dimensional shapes.
I can name and describe 3-dimensional shapes.
I can sort objects and show data on a graph.
I can describe and compare the length, weight, and capacity.