Kindergarten Readiness
As your child gets ready for Kindergarten, review the following skills and resources to prepare for the first year of primary school.
Getting Ready Skills/Strategies
1. Physical Development & Motor Skills
- Gross motor skills activities for little kids
- Motor skills for preschoolers
- Improve kids' fine motor skills with 30 materials & activities
- Kindergarten hand exercises
2. Language Development & Letter Recognition
- 10 letter recognition activities
- Letter recognition: Creative and hands-on ways to teach the alphabet
- Practice name writing in 12 fun ways for preschoolers
- Creative and fun name activities
3. Academic Skills/Cognitive Development
- 8 ways to teach children their address and phone number
- Safety Skills: How to teach your child to memorize his phone number
- Book and print awareness: Getting ready to read
4. Social Emotional Skills
Learning Goals
By the end of Kindergarten in English Language Arts, I can...
By the end of Kindergarten in Mathematics, I can...
I can count to 100 by ones.
I can count to 100 by fives (to 50 in 1st semester).
I can count to 100 by tens (to 50 in 1st semester).
I can write the numbers 0-20 (0-10 in the 1st semester).
I can recognize the numbers 0-20 (0-10 in the 1st semester).
I can count objects up to 20 and print the corresponding number (to 10 in 1st semester).
I can compare groups of objects. I can compare two written numerals.
I can show addition using objects within 10.
I can show subtraction using objects within 10.
I can show what number is needed.
I can quickly and accurately add numbers to 5.
I can quickly and accurately subtract numbers to 5 (without manipulatives).
I can name and describe 2-dimensional shapes.
I can name and describe 3-dimensional shapes.
I can sort objects and show data on a graph.
I can describe and compare the length, weight, and capacity.
Contact Information
For questions regarding registration and enrollment, contact Kelly Mannering,
For questions regarding curriculum and instruction, contact Dr. Julie Franczyk, Assistant Superintendent,