Open Records/RTK
In compliance with Pennsylvania's Right-to-Know Law Act 3 of 2008, the Chartiers Valley School District provides access to public information through our designated Right-to-Know/Open-Records officer.
To submit a Right-to-Know/Open-Records request, please complete the Right-to-Know Request Form to the district’s Open Records Officer via postal mail or email:
Angela Conigliaro, Open Records Officer
Chartiers Valley School District
2030 Swallow Hill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Phone: 412-429-2390
Please note that the Open Records Office does not handle request for graduation documents or transcripts. Contact the High School Guidance Office at 412-429-2268.
Pennsylvania Office of Open Records
Liz Wagenseller, Executive Director
PA Office of Open Records
333 Market Street - 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
Phone: 717-346-9903 | Fax: 717-425-5343